Thankfulness…”From the Inside Out”…and the Protestant Reformation.

During the past few weeks, the Saints in the Gentleness Fruit Stand have been studying the “Indwelling of the Holy Spirit in our lives”, looking “From the Inside- Out” and relating all of this to our historical study of Martin Luther and “the Protestant Reformation” of the 1500s.  Wow!  That’s a lot of thinking!

We viewed the movie “Inside- Out” and took a look at characterization and developed character profiles for the characters that we will be portraying in our upcoming Christmas play.  We don’t want to give too much away about our play, but this may give you a clue as to how we are approaching the Christmas Story through the emotions that will be our characters.


In Literature, we are continuing our study of the biographical novel, Amos Fortune, Free Man.  We are beginning to see the development of character traits in Amos, as he is sold into slavery during the slave trade of the 1700s.  Our knowledge of the use of advanced vocabulary in this book is astounding!



Check out a few pictures from “Turkey Making” and Chapel.

And… last, but not least, in our music studies, we are trying to solve “The Case of the Missing Dulcimer”.  A dulcimer is a stringed instrument that we learned about as we took an imaginary journey with Mrs. Moore to the Appalachian Mountains of Southwest Virginia.  We learned about “The Crooked Road” music tour and about how the music of Appalachia came to be.  Stay tuned, as we try to find our missing dulcimer!






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